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Travel Photography and Documentary Photography by Szabolcs Ivan


Szabolcs Ivan is a travel and documentary photographer. He was born in Serbia and completed his studies in Hungary and Finland, gaining a degree in journalism and photography.

Having travelled the globe, his continuing passion is to photograph extraordinary people. He visually documents their stories, by capturing everyday life whilst delivering an intimate perspective drawing in the outside observer. He does this by immersing himself in the customs and surrounding environment, which allows him to document a true and personal insight into these cultures.

He has been nominated several times for the finals of Travel Photographer of the Year, Environmental Photographer of the Year, the international documentary competition FotoVisura, winner of The Telegraph’s The Big Picture travel competition, and has gained honourable mentions for the International Photography Awards in 2012 and 2013.

Much of his work has been published in magazines and has been exhibited internationally.

He is currently based in the UK and working on a number of exciting long-term personal projects.




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